This exam contains 20 multiple choice questions. Answer all questions by ticking the correct answer/s out of the 4 answers provided. Read carefully all questions since certain questions can contain more than one correct answer (This will be indicated in the question itself). Each question carries 2 marks. You are required to obtain a 80% pass mark.
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Which positive factors make a customer return to a business?
Which factor could cause a business to fail? (Choose 2 answers)
Why should water be at lukewarm temperature for washing of hands?
From which sources do bacteria originate mostly? (Choose 2 answers)
Which one of the following actions does not help in avoiding cross-contamination?
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
What is meant by the food danger zone?
Why is stock rotation important?
Why is cleaning important?
What are the main reasons to line bins with a disposable polythene bags from the inside? (Choose 2 answers)
Which measure must be in place to minimize risk of pest infestation?
What type of preventative measure is recommended to control food pests?
Which of the following are common symptoms of food poisoning? (Choose 2 answers)
Which important measure is recommended to avoid food poisoning?
Which of the following are not ‘foreign bodies’ in food? (Choose 2 answers)
Which of the following ingredients make part of the category of the 14 most common allergenic ingredients? (Choose 3 answers)
Why is labelling of food products important?
Who is not responsible to provide safe food for human consumption?
What is the aim of HACCP?
Why could Animal-by Products be a threat to food safety?