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Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point – HACCP System
HACCP is a food safety management system which is a systematic approach to identify and control hazards that could cause a threat to the production of food. Since 2004, it has been a legal requirement for food businesses to have a food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP.
All food businesses are encouraged to put this system in place by implementing and maintaining a food safety management system. EC Regulation 852/04 and EC Guidance Regulation issued by DG Sanco on 16th November 2005 set up the concept of flexibility. Food businesses have been classified into three categories:
those that control hazards through application of pre-requisites e.g. retailers
Flexi HACCP:
those that can apply HACCP system in a flexible manner such as primary producers, restaurants and small operators, snack bars, takeaways, cafeterias, kiosks, school canteens and guesthouses.
those that require detailed HACCP which is essential to control associated hazards and minimise food safety risks such as manufacturers, large operators that produce food and distribute to the Maltese Islands and the European Union and not localised to few localities, hotels, caterers, hospitals, old people homes, meals on wheels.
Contact us for an on-site inspection so to evaluate which of the above you would require.