All food handling courses are suitable for people who are directly involved in the preparation and production of food such as chefs, pastry chefs, butchers, bakers etc. It is also suitable for people who are indirectly involved in the preparation and production of food such as waiting and bar staff, cleaners and cashiers. It is also suitable for people who would like to broaden their knowledge about food safety.
A requirement for those needing to apply for there visa/working permit. Can be held at clients requested premises.
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Food Handling Course A – Online Version
Price includes digital certification validity 2 years€23.00Suitability:
This course is suitable for people who work indirectly with food such as Waiters, Cashiers, Bar Staff and Food Delivery.
We are licensed by the Food Safety Commission of Malta to conduct food handling courses for the public.
For Food Handling Course Online B follow this link.
Foreign students applying for a work permit? Get certified immediately and quickly.
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HACCP – Intermediate Level
12 hoursCertification valid for 3 yearsRequest QuoteSuitability:
For people working at management and supervisory level and who are
responsible to establish, implement and supervise daily safe food processing and
manufacturing. It is also suitable for people who would like to broaden their
current knowledge about safe food production methods. -
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Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point – HACCP System
Request QuoteHACCP is a food safety management system which is a systematic approach to identify and control hazards that could cause a threat to the production of food. Since 2004, it has been a legal requirement for food businesses to have a food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP. All food businesses […]
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Legionella and Legionnaires’ Disease Awareness Training Course
2-3 HoursRequest QuoteSuitability:
For Hotels and Hostels or similar working environment.
Legionella bacteria have the potential to cause serious harm to people’s health if they are not carefully controlled. As a result, all premises containing a man-made water system must ensure that the system is safe to use, regularly maintained and free from harmful bacteria.